Littelfuse Startco Powr-Gard

In 2008 Littelfuse, Inc. purchased Startco Engineering Ltd. The company, which is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, is a recognized leader in ground-fault protection products and custom-power distribution centers that are used in industrial manufacturing and mining applications. Littelfuse acknowledged that the acquisition of Startco will strengthen their position within the industrial protection business and growing mining industry with Startco’s line of ground-fault and motor protection relays.


One of Littelfuse Startco’s main products is the Protection Relay which includes a comprehensive line of motor and pump protection relays, arc-flash relays, ground fault relays, feeder protection, pump controllers, time delay relays, flashers and tower lighting, and more to minimize electrical safety hazards, limit equipment damage, improve productivity, and safeguard personnel from injury due to electrical faults. Professionals in construction, manufacturing, mining, oil & gas, solar, and many more industries rely on Littelfuse Startco for rugged, lasting protection for their designs and critical applications.


Arc Flash Relays are an effective defense against dangerous arc flash events since they can detect an arc flash in less than 1 millisecond. These relays provide:

  • A redundant internal trip path with two internal trip paths for added reliability
  • Health monitoring which continuously monitors connection to trip coil to ensure path is intact
  • Reliable Light Detection with two types of light sensors (point and fiber-optic) for different application
  • Upstream tripping ability if the local breaker fails to clear the fault
  • Optional current detection for fault verification to avoid nuisance tripping
  • Tie breaker tripping of both incoming feeder and tie breaker when arc is detected
  • Zone tripping give the ability to trip 2 separate zones with 1 relay


Most of Littlefuse Startco’s products are manufactured in Canada with the exception of SE-105, SE-107, and SE-325, which are now manufactured in the United States.

Product Image
Catalog #
DIGI-TIMER RELAY Description The KSD3 Series Digi-Timer is a cost effective approach for ON/OFF recycling applications. The on time is equal to the off time. An adjustment of the RT will change the time delays of both on and off times. This series is designed for general purpose commercial and industrial applications where a small, cost effective, reliable, solid-state timer is required. The factory calibration for fixed time delays is within 5% of the target time delay. The repeat accuracy, under stable conditions, is 0.5% of the selected time delay. This series is designed for popular AC and DC voltages. Time delays of 0.1 seconds to 1000 minutes are available in 6 ranges. The output is rated 1A steady and 10A inrush. The modules are totally solid state and encapsulated to protect the electronic circuitry.Operation (Recycling Flasher - ON Time First)Upon application of input voltage, the output energizes and the T1, ON time begins. At the end of the ON time, the output de-energizes and the T2 OFF time begins. At the end of the OFF time, the output energizes and the cycle repeats as long as input voltage is applied. Reset: Removing input voltage resets the output and time delays, and returns the sequence to the ON time.Operation (Recycling Flasher - OFF Time First)Upon application of input voltage, the T2 OFF time begins. At the end of the OFF time, the T1 ON time begins and the load energizes. At the end of the ON time the load de-energizes, and the cycle repeats until input voltage is removed.Reset: Removing input voltage resets the output and time delays and the sequence to the OFF time  
250A 1500VDC SWITCH 1500 V Dc • 250 A Description The Littelfuse LS7R dc series is an energy-efficient, compact disconnect switch that quickly breaks or resumes the flow of current safely to prevent shock hazards when trying to isolate circuits or repair systems. It is a 1500 V dc disconnect for ungrounded systems. Features/Benefits  The patented operation system minimizes damage caused by arcs upon disconnection to increase product reliability and longevity  Streamline design eliminates the need for external bridging links (jumpers) to lower heat dissipation for increased energy efficiency, decreased installation and maintenance time, and reduced footprint for added design flexibility  High-level disconnection insulation provides a barrier to stop conduction when switch is in off position for added safety  The self-cleaning blade contacts eliminate performance degradation (from increased electrical resistance over time) to ensure consistent behavior across the product’s lifespan  The internally-located "sandwich-type" 2-contact symmetrical design mitigates the electromagnetic force of repulsion to offer enhanced functionality in short- circuit conditions  Meets UL 94 flammability requirements with self- extinguishing/non-flammable materials to prevent fires Applications  Solar/PV systems: combiner boxes, recombiner boxes and inverters  Energy storage systems: disconnection of batteries, containerized batteries  Oil & gas: dc drives  Railway: earthing switches and battery disconnection  UPS: switching and isolation of batteries  Electrical vehicle chargers