*Multiple pieces shown for clarity.
$63.98 per piece
Brand / Manufacturer: MERSEN (FERRAZ SHAWMUT)
Amperage Rating: 20
Voltage: 700
Department: 16
Series: A70QS
Catalog Number: A70QS20-22F
Catalog / Class: Semiconductor
Speed: Very Fast Acting
SKU: A70QS20-22F
Categories: 22X58, European Electrical Fuses, Fuses, North American Electrical Fuses, Semiconductor, Very Fast Acting
*Prices Subject to Change
20A 700V 22X58 GR
7-1/2A 32V FAST SFE What is an SFE fuse? An SFE fuse is a fast acting, low voltage, glass body cartridge fuse. SFE fuses have voltage ratings of 32 volts AC and DC. SFE fuses are inexpensive fuses used in electronic and automotive applications and are typically installed using an inline fuse holder. The length… Read more »
.062MA 250V TIME DELAY 6X32MM Time-delayed performance provides superior protection for circuits carrying inductive loads, such as those for motors, transformers, and solenoids
125A 130VAC 80VDC FORK LIFT FUSE CNL is ANL in Bussmann. CNL’s are form,fit and functionally the same. Mersen forklift truck and battery isolator fuses are specially designed for the heavy duty loads associated with DC battery powered equipment such as forklift trucks, hand trucks, motorized work platforms, and other DC battery operated… Read more »
1200A 600V L TD FUSE Amp-Trap 2000 A4BQ fuses are 20 percent more current limiting than any other Class L fuse on the market. When correctly coordinated, they bring a superior level of protection to service entrance equipment. Downstream circuit components have maximum protection against short circuit let-thru current. A4BQ’s built-in 4-second time-delay characteristic (at… Read more »